What is Cyber Crime ? | All you need to know about Cyber Crime


Cyber Crime also known as Computer Crime refers to all the illegal activities that involve the use of the internet and computer. Cyber crime includes everything from Hacking, stealing personal information, spreading malware, phishing , distributing copyrighted content and many more.

The major problem with cyber crime is that it is easy for the criminals to commit and difficult for the police to catch the criminals. A person needs just a computer and a good internet connection for committing cyber crime.

In the last few years, use of the internet and technology has grown a lot. They have become the driver of our life. We use the internet for information, for communication and for entertainment purposes as well. The vast development in the internet and technology has created a problem and that is called cyber crime. 

Cyber crime creates a huge problem to the individuals as well as the organizations. Due to increasing cyber crime, personal details of the individuals are stolen and the important documents of the organizations are also being stolen.

Cyber crime has increased so much that we can hear about crime daily in the news. You might have heard small kids like us are hacking the big companies. People are making fake accounts in social media and doing fraud with many of the people.

We are the users of the internet, social media and many more. So we must be aware about the proper use of them. We must know the do’s and don’t do’s on the internet. We must be cautious while giving our personal details in the websites, while downloading files from the internet. We mustn’t share our password with others and should be careful while clicking the links on the internet.

You all are using the computer and internet and I am sure that sometimes you might have got some spam messages about the lotteries. The message says that you are the lucky one and have won this and that gift. So, please send us some amount as the delivery charge and once you send them the money, they will be out of contact. You must be safe from this type of fraud.

For minimizing cyber crime, awareness programs should be conducted. Education should be spreaded and computer education should be included from the lower secondary level. Group of skilled people should be created in order to track the criminals and frauds. These are some measures to follow in order to prevent and minimize cyber crime.

In conclusion, Cybercrime is really a growing problem in our society. So, we must focus on minimizing it and make the internet a safer place for everyone. 
Thank You!!

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