How to start affiliate marketing in Nepal 2023?

What is affiliate marketing?

--Affiliate marketing is the process of making money easily and quickly with the help of big companies. In simple language, affiliate marketing means getting commission after selling the products or services of the companies. 

Some terms to know before dealing with affiliate marketing:

– This is basically the people or organization which is bringing the products to market. Even you can say who is advertising the products is known as an advertiser.

    2) Affiliates/Publisher
– This is basically we people who are involved in affiliate marketing. We are publishing the products or services of advertisers/creators on our platform. So, we are called affiliates or publishers.

    3) Customers
– This is basically those people to whom we(affiliates) are selling the products or services of creators.

What exactly happens in affiliate marketing?

– In affiliate marketing, firstly there are the creators, who bring the products and services on market. They are searching for the customer who will buy their products/services. We affiliates act as the bridge between the creators and customers and gain some commission for each connection between the creator and customer.

For an instance, There is a company ‘XYZ’ who brought the product ‘P’ on the market and they want to sell it to the customer ‘C’. Then affiliates ‘A’ take the ‘P’ to the ‘C’. If ‘A’ successfully sells the ‘P’ to the ‘C’ then the company ‘XYZ’ will provide commission to the affiliates ‘A’. In this whole transaction, there is the benefit of all the three involving people. How?

– The company got their products sold which is the profit of the company. The customer get the required product which is the benefit for them and the affiliates get the commission which is their profit.

Who can do affiliate marketing?

– The first thing you have to understand is, for affiliate marketing you have to interact with many of the users and individually it is not possible. So you must have some platforms where you can interact with many of the users at a time. So, following people can easily do the affiliate marketing:
    • Blogger
    • Youtuber
    • Influencer
If you are involved in any of the given options or even others then you can easily pursue affiliate marketing.

Benefits of affiliate marketing

– There are a lot of benefits of affiliate marketing. Lets see some of them in the following points:

    1. Passive income
    2. Work from anywhere
    3. Not certification required.
    4. No investment required
    5. No risk of any loss
    6. Depends upon you work (More you work more you earn)
    7. Others…

Drawbacks of affiliate marketing

    1.  Takes time ( It takes some time to sell the products or services and there is no guarantee that people will 100% buy that.)
    2. You need to research very much in the beginning.
    3. You must have the skill of selling.
    4. More traffic is required.
    5. You cannot fully depend on it. (In Nepal)

Condition of affiliate marketing in Nepal (Up to 2022)

– In the context of Nepal, there is not much facility for affiliate marketing. People are not aware about affiliate marketing. There is no training centre or any videos for affiliate marketing in Nepal. In Nepal, people are slowly getting involved in these online activities. So, there are not so many affiliate networks available in Nepal. And the major problem is people do not believe in online shopping. There is the wrong mindset that online shopping is a scam. This is the condition of affiliate marketing in Nepal.

Start Affiliate marketing in Nepal

– In the context of Nepal, there are not so many affiliate programs but however many of the companies are launching affiliate programs where you can also participate and earn some money. Some of the platforms are:
    1. Daraz Affiliate Program
    2. AGM web hosting Nepal
    3. Clothing in Nepal
    4. Grammarly
    5. HamroBazar
    6. Sasto Deal
    7. Others…


This is the basic information about affiliate marketing in Nepal. If you have any kind of questions then you can freely comment below. Have a good day!



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