How to Start a Blog in Nepal?

 Blogging in Nepal

How to start a blog in Nepal?

In this time, earning money has become the most essential part of life. If you want a happy and prosperous life then money is the most.

In context of Nepal. working in Nepal or going to the foreign are only the major two options for earning money that you may think. But in this smart era, you must think smartly in order to earn money.

For earning money in Nepal there are many things that you can do. Among many Blogging is also the one of them. In Nepal, if you are working as a teacher. doctor or even if you are a student then you can start blogging and make money online.

Daily if you write one article in your blog then you can easily earn money slowly. Gradually, you will start getting reach and soon your earning will be doubled than you are earning now,

Some steps to follow in order to start a blog

Starting a blog is a easy task. It is far easier than you are thinking now. I will provide you some of the steps that you can follow for starting a blog.

  • Be clear about how you are creating your blog either for free or paid.
  • For free, see the next step. For paid, buy the domains from the popular and reliable source.
  • Choose the free platforms for creating and hosting your site like blogger or wordpress.
  • Choose a theme for your site as per your type of content.
  • Start customizing your blog.
  • Add links, other widgets like popular posts, comments, features post and others as per requirements.
  • Make the pages for you blog like about, contact, privacy policy, etc,,
  • Make the categories of your blog and create a sub-menu to explore them.
  • Take help from the online source for the beautiful customizations.
  • Start adding the articles with unique title and content.
  • Be consistent while adding the articles.
  • Connect you site to google search console and make sure to index all the pages of your blog there.

Earning form the blog(adsence)

After the completion of the creation part of the blog. It is time to learn about the earning process from the blogger.

While talking about earning form the blog, it is not necessary that you should use Adsence only. There may be the case when you are not getting adsence verification then you can use other ads platform without any hesitation.

If you want your site to be approved from adsence then you must follow some of the major steps. Adsence don't give the approval to all the sites. If your site is also beyond the adsence steps then it is 100% sure that you will not get adsence approval.

If you have followed all the above mentioned steps then your site is ready for the adsence approval request. In many of the case above listed steps will provide you the adsence verification. In case if you didn't get then follow the further steps.

  • Choose light theme for your blog.
  • Make sure that all the links of your site should be working perfectly.
  • Site should be completely builded. Site shouldn't be under construction.
  • All the articles should be unique and must be created by yourself.
  • Your articles mustn't violate the policy of the google adsence.
  • Content of your site must be acceptable by the google to show ads.

If you follow all the steps then it is sure that you will get the adsence verification and soon start to earn money. For further info. comment below.

Best of luck for your journey of creating s blog and earning through  it. 

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